
About Rally in Rome

Where tennis
meets travel.

Rally in Rome was founded Alexander Meddings — a postgrad in Roman History from the University of Oxford.

Born in Britain, Alex has been living in Italy for nearly 10 years, working as a writer and ETOA-certified tour guide. He’s part of the guiding team for the Regional Park of the Appian Way and, a tour leader for ACIS (the American Council for International Studies).

But these are just details. Because the thing you need to know about Alex is that he’s crazy about tennis. 

Seriously. Getting to play on clay in guaranteed good weather might actually be the main reason Alex moved to Italy; and with Rally in Rome, he wants to open that experience up to you.

Playing tennis on vacation isn’t easy. You’ve got to find a partner, book a court, source a racquet, buy some balls… 

In short, it’s a complete faff.

Rally in Rome does all that for you. We’ll book a beautiful clay court in Rome or its environs. We’ll provide all the equipment you need (except shoes, those are on you) so all you have to do is turn up and bring your A-game.

Whether you want a hitting session, a lesson with a fluent English-speaking coach or a tour and tennis combo, Rally in Rome will tailor the perfect tennis package for you. 

Ready to play tennis in Rome?

Fill out the contact form below and Alex will get back to you faster than a Roger Federer forehand.